Шторы - это не просто украшение, они еще и практичное решение. Помимо преображения интерьера, они обеспечивают важную функцию - изоляцию и предотвращение чрезмерной потери тепла.
У нас есть шторы разных цветов и стилей, которые помогут вам создать красивый интерьер для вашего дома или офиса. Ассортимент материалов с акцентом на экологичность выбора, качество исполнения и превосходное мастерство - основа каждого изделия.В Германии шторы купить можно по доступным ценам в нашем интернет-магазине.
Есть несколько факторов, которые следует учитывать при обрамлении окон шторами.
Существует несколько видов крепления штор: плиссе, штанга, мини и другие. И ни один из них не сложно установить в квартире.
Люверсы - наиболее безопасный, однако, менее эстетичный способ крепления штор. Особенно подходит для гостиных с высокими потолками и большим количеством окон. Карниз такого типа крепится на линию шурупов-глазков по периметру окна.
У людей часто возникает вопрос о том, какой материал выбрать для штор. Ведь материал напрямую влияет на выбор штор, будь то безопасность, долговечность, чистота и защита окружающей среды. Искусственный шелк - практичный, доступный и привлекательный материал для штор. Они обладают следующими характеристиками:
Однотонный тюль из легкого материала будет пропускать много солнечного света, наполняя все вокруг светом и теплом. Тюль из более жесткого материала, с узором или рисунком на нем, будет задерживать большую часть поступающего солнечного света, тем самым делая атмосферу более спокойной и гораздо более однообразной, что хорошо подходит для спален. Заказать текстиль для своего дома может быть непросто, особенно если вы не знаете, с чего начать поиски. На нашем сайте вы можете купить тюль и шторы, выбрав из широкого ассортимента.
Если вы собираетесь использовать шторы для спален, рекомендуется выбирать модели с фактором защиты от ультрафиолета. При выборе штор для детских комнат следует обратить внимание на модели с водонепроницаемым покрытием и плотными тканями, которые не так легко распушаются во время стирки.
Шторы в гостиной также требуют особого подхода. В этой комнате вы принимаете гостей и отдыхаете, общаетесь с семьей, друзьями. Поэтому необходимо уделить внимание дизайну комнаты и постараться создать атмосферу расслабленности и гостеприимства. Среди ассортимента нашего сайта вы можете выбрать и купить шторы на свой вкус в соответствии с желаемым стилем интерьера.
На кухне занавески создают домашнюю атмосферу, отгораживаясь от суеты и шума внешнего мира. Прозрачные или полупрозрачные шторы из простых в уходе материалов пропускают много дневного света и быстро чистятся.
Использование текстиля для украшения дома может объединить общий декор помещения. Домашний текстиль, такой как шторы и покрывала, легко найти в нашем интернет-магазине в Германии. Независимо от размера вашего дома или офиса, вы найдете узоры, цвета и фактуры на любой вкус. Мы поможем вам создать обстановку, которая отражает ваш личный стиль, предлагая купить гардины, шторы и жалюзи.
This is a tag management system. With this the user can update measurement codes and related code fragments collectively known as tags on the users website or mobile app.
Processing Company Google Ireland Limited Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland
Data Purposes This list represents the purposes of the data collection and processing.
Technologies Used
Data Collected This list represents all (personal) data that is collected by or through the use of this service.
Legal Basis In the following the required legal basis for the processing of data is listed.
Location of Processing European Union
Retention Period The retention period is the time span the collected data is saved for the processing purposes. The data needs to be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the stated processing purposes. The data will be deleted after 14 days of retrieval.
Data Recipients
Data Protection Officer of Processing Company Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company.
Transfer to Third Countries This service may forward the collected data to a different country. Please note that this service might transfer the data outside of the EU/EEA and to a country without the required data protection standards. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. Below you can find a list of countries to which the data is being transferred. This can be for different reasons like storing or processing. United States of America,Singapore,Taiwan,Chile
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Click here to read the cookie policy of the data processor
This is a web analytics service. With this the user can measure the advertising ROI as well as track Flash, video, and social networking sites and applications.
Processing Company Google Ireland Limited Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland
Data Purposes This list represents the purposes of the data collection and processing.
Technologies Used
Data Collected This list represents all (personal) data that is collected by or through the use of this service.
Legal Basis In the following the required legal basis for the processing of data is listed.
Location of Processing European Union
Retention Period The retention period is the time span the collected data is saved for the processing purposes. The data needs to be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the stated processing purposes. The Retention Period depends on the type of the saved data. Each client can choose how long Google Analytics retains data before automatically deleting it.
Data Recipients
Data Protection Officer of Processing Company Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company.
Transfer to Third Countries This service may forward the collected data to a different country. Please note that this service might transfer the data outside of the EU/EEA and to a country without the required data protection standards. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. Below you can find a list of countries to which the data is being transferred. This can be for different reasons like storing or processing. United States of America,Singapore,Chile,Taiwan
Click here to read the privacy policy of the data processor
Click here to opt out from this processor across all domains
Click here to read the cookie policy of the data processor
Storage Information Below you can see the longest potential duration for storage on a device, as set when using the cookie method of storage and if there are any other methods used.
This is an advertising service.
Processing Company Google Ireland Limited Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow Street, Dublin D04 E5W5, Ireland
Data Purposes This list represents the purposes of the data collection and processing.
Technologies Used
Data Collected This list represents all (personal) data that is collected by or through the use of this service.
Legal Basis In the following the required legal basis for the processing of data is listed.
Location of Processing European Union
Retention Period The retention period is the time span the collected data is saved for the processing purposes. The data needs to be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the stated processing purposes. The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer needed for the processing purposes. Log data is anonymized after 9 months and cookie information is anonymized after 18 months.
Data Recipients
Data Protection Officer of Processing Company Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company.
Transfer to Third Countries This service may forward the collected data to a different country. Please note that this service might transfer the data outside of the EU/EEA and to a country without the required data protection standards. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. Below you can find a list of countries to which the data is being transferred. This can be for different reasons like storing or processing. Chile, Singapore, United States of America, Taiwan
Click here to read the privacy policy of the data processor
Click here to opt out from this processor across all domains
Click here to read the cookie policy of the data processor
Storage Information Below you can see the longest potential duration for storage on a device, as set when using the cookie method of storage and if there are any other methods used.
This is a Tracking technology offered by Facebook and used by other Facebook services such as Facebook Custom Audiences.
Processing Company Facebook Ireland Limited 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin, D02, Ireland
Data Purposes This list represents the purposes of the data collection and processing.
Technologies Used
Data Collected This list represents all (personal) data that is collected by or through the use of this service.
Legal Basis In the following the required legal basis for the processing of data is listed.
Location of Processing European Union
Retention Period The retention period is the time span the collected data is saved for the processing purposes. The data needs to be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the stated processing purposes. The data will be deleted the latest after 720 days.
Data Recipients Facebook Inc. Facebook Ireland Limited
Data Protection Officer of Processing Company Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company
Transfer to Third Countries This service may forward the collected data to a different country. Please note that this service might transfer the data outside of the EU/EEA and to a country without the required data protection standards. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. Below you can find a list of countries to which the data is being transferred. This can be for different reasons like storing or processing. Singapore,United Kingdom,United States of America
Click here to read the privacy policy of the data processor
Click here to opt out from this processor across all domains
Click here to read the cookie policy of the data processor
Storage Information Below you can see the longest potential duration for storage on a device, as set when using the cookie method of storage and if there are any other methods used.
The retention period is the time span the collected data is saved for the processing purposes. The data needs to be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the stated processing purposes. The Retention Period depends on the type of the saved data. Each client can choose how long Google Analytics retains data before automatically deleting it.
Data Recipients
Data Protection Officer of Processing Company Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company.
Transfer to Third Countries This service may forward the collected data to a different country. Please note that this service might transfer the data outside of the EU/EEA and to a country without the required data protection standards. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. Below you can find a list of countries to which the data is being transferred. This can be for different reasons like storing or processing. United States of America, Singapore, Chile, Taiwan
Click here to read the privacy policy of the data processor
Click here to opt out from this processor across all domains
Click here to read the cookie policy of the data processor
Storage Information Below you can see the longest potential duration for storage on a device, as set when using the cookie method of storage and if there are any other methods used.
This is an advertising and conversion-tracking service.
Processing Company Google Ireland Limited Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland
Data Purposes This list represents the purposes of the data collection and processing.
Technologies Used
Data Collected This list represents all (personal) data that is collected by or through the use of this service.
Legal Basis In the following the required legal basis for the processing of data is listed.
Location of Processing European Union
Retention Period The retention period is the time span the collected data is saved for the processing purposes. The data needs to be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the stated processing purposes. The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer needed for the processing purposes.
Data Recipients
Data Protection Officer of Processing Company Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company.
Transfer to Third Countries This service may forward the collected data to a different country. Please note that this service might transfer the data outside of the EU/EEA and to a country without the required data protection standards. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. Below you can find a list of countries to which the data is being transferred. This can be for different reasons like storing or processing.
Click here to read the privacy policy of the data processor
Click here to opt out from this processor across all domains
Click here to read the cookie policy of the data processor
Storage Information Below you can see the longest potential duration for storage on a device, as set when using the cookie method of storage and if there are any other methods used.