Вы любите чай? Он согревает и объединяет, участвует в задушевных разговорах, признаниях и советах. Благодаря ему люди дарят друг другу свою поддержку и самые теплые эмоции… Согласитесь, обычно вы пьете чай в кругу семьи, со своими друзьями и коллегами или гостями, - это ваши самые родные и близкие люди. А иногда хочется уединиться и побыть наедине со своими мыслями, в тишине и спокойствии выпив чашку чая… Это не простое питье, - в чашке чая отражается маленькая частичка нашей души, не зря чаепитие часто называют церемонией, особым ритуалом. Чтоб у вас дома всегда царила приятная атмосфера, позаботьтесь о том, чтоб среди посуды всегда находились пиалы, купить в Германии которые легко благодаря нашему сайту. Наши сотрудники знают о посуде всё и постараются выбрать для вас самое лучшее. Обратитесь за помощью к консультантам или оформите заказ самостоятельно: вам предоставляется возможность пиалу купить выгодно по доступным ценам.
В России еще до ХХ века чай пили по старинке из пиалок и блюдец. Форма без ручек позволяет складывать их между собой компактно, что играет немаловажную роль при заполнении кухонного пространства. Берите качественные изделия: у нас на сайте представлены в материалах керамика и фарфор, купить пиалы можно поштучно или набор пиал, и вам необходимое количество хватит на большую компанию. Налейте горячий напиток, и он в такой маленькой широкой посуде намного быстрее остынет, пить из нее довольно легко. Хотите устроить настоящее чаепитие по-казахски? Зовите друзей, ставьте кипяток! Пиала казахская воплотила в своем оформлении дух чайных традиций. С такой посудой вы можете принимать у себя гостей, наслаждаясь общением и вкусными сладостями, а согласно традициям Казахстана, окончание чаепития дает негласный сигнал от том, что прием гостей подходит к концу. Есть также чайные и столовые сервизы с тарелками и пиалами. Такой большой функциональный комплект сделает ваше застолье выигрышным! Нежная пиала фарфоровая имеет гладкую поверхность, что говорит о качественном изготовлении изделия. Созданные из этого материала чаши приятные на ощупь и очень эффектные на вид. Благодаря тщательному уходу вы неоднократно сможете использовать такую посуду для торжественных случаев. Пиалы керамические сами по себе являются отличным вариантом для повседневности, а если риштанская керамика украшена национальными нотками, то с помощью таких мотивов вы привнесете в интерьер изысканные восточные оттенки.
Пиала узбекская вобрала в себя невероятные хитросплетения «Пахты гул», - посуда такой красоты непременно позволит вам услышать от гостей наивысших комплиментов. Национальная узбекская роспись «Пахта» сдержанна и благородна. Витиеватые узоры хлопка выведены тонкой кистью - это дивное сине-белое сочетание, которое передает традиции и историю этого доброжелательного народа. С «Пахтой гул» легко создать настоящий праздник на столе, выложив вкусные закуски и салаты на удивительные пиалы. Если вы подберете в тон салфетки, то такая сервировка сделает застолье волшебным. Изготовленные из керамики чайные пиалы очень удобны в использовании и их удобно держать в руках.
Для небольшой порции супа отлично подойдет бульонница. Она удобна и очаровывает необычным оформлением. Наличие ручек делает супницу более легкой в применении. Пиалы для супа в Германии - достойная посуда, подходящая для дома, и даже станет хорошей идеей нужного подарка для близких. И каждый прием пищи будет особенно вкусным! С такими чашами станет удачной сервировка и в домашней обстановке, и на праздник. Емкость вручную расписана гжелью, словно в России морозный узор на окнах. Имеются и другие предложения, где переплетаются флористические рисунки и изящные линии орнаментов. Утонченность линий делает изделия поистине изящными и необыкновенными. На нашем сайте также вы можете увидеть красивые пиалы с хохломой, эта русская традиционная декоративная роспись завораживает взгляд рисунками из красных цветов и золотым отливом на контрастном черном фоне. Выбирая пиалу в Германии, покупайте самое лучшее и красивое, - то, чего вы достойны! Мы быстро отправим вам товар и вы получите его в кратчайшие сроки. Мы работаем, воплощая ваши мечты в реальность и доставляя их прямо к порогу вашего дома! Наслаждайтесь вкусом любимого напитка из любимой посуды!
This is a tag management system. With this the user can update measurement codes and related code fragments collectively known as tags on the users website or mobile app.
Processing Company Google Ireland Limited Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland
Data Purposes This list represents the purposes of the data collection and processing.
Technologies Used
Data Collected This list represents all (personal) data that is collected by or through the use of this service.
Legal Basis In the following the required legal basis for the processing of data is listed.
Location of Processing European Union
Retention Period The retention period is the time span the collected data is saved for the processing purposes. The data needs to be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the stated processing purposes. The data will be deleted after 14 days of retrieval.
Data Recipients
Data Protection Officer of Processing Company Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company.
Transfer to Third Countries This service may forward the collected data to a different country. Please note that this service might transfer the data outside of the EU/EEA and to a country without the required data protection standards. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. Below you can find a list of countries to which the data is being transferred. This can be for different reasons like storing or processing. United States of America,Singapore,Taiwan,Chile
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Click here to read the cookie policy of the data processor
This is a web analytics service. With this the user can measure the advertising ROI as well as track Flash, video, and social networking sites and applications.
Processing Company Google Ireland Limited Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland
Data Purposes This list represents the purposes of the data collection and processing.
Technologies Used
Data Collected This list represents all (personal) data that is collected by or through the use of this service.
Legal Basis In the following the required legal basis for the processing of data is listed.
Location of Processing European Union
Retention Period The retention period is the time span the collected data is saved for the processing purposes. The data needs to be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the stated processing purposes. The Retention Period depends on the type of the saved data. Each client can choose how long Google Analytics retains data before automatically deleting it.
Data Recipients
Data Protection Officer of Processing Company Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company.
Transfer to Third Countries This service may forward the collected data to a different country. Please note that this service might transfer the data outside of the EU/EEA and to a country without the required data protection standards. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. Below you can find a list of countries to which the data is being transferred. This can be for different reasons like storing or processing. United States of America,Singapore,Chile,Taiwan
Click here to read the privacy policy of the data processor
Click here to opt out from this processor across all domains
Click here to read the cookie policy of the data processor
Storage Information Below you can see the longest potential duration for storage on a device, as set when using the cookie method of storage and if there are any other methods used.
This is an advertising service.
Processing Company Google Ireland Limited Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow Street, Dublin D04 E5W5, Ireland
Data Purposes This list represents the purposes of the data collection and processing.
Technologies Used
Data Collected This list represents all (personal) data that is collected by or through the use of this service.
Legal Basis In the following the required legal basis for the processing of data is listed.
Location of Processing European Union
Retention Period The retention period is the time span the collected data is saved for the processing purposes. The data needs to be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the stated processing purposes. The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer needed for the processing purposes. Log data is anonymized after 9 months and cookie information is anonymized after 18 months.
Data Recipients
Data Protection Officer of Processing Company Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company.
Transfer to Third Countries This service may forward the collected data to a different country. Please note that this service might transfer the data outside of the EU/EEA and to a country without the required data protection standards. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. Below you can find a list of countries to which the data is being transferred. This can be for different reasons like storing or processing. Chile, Singapore, United States of America, Taiwan
Click here to read the privacy policy of the data processor
Click here to opt out from this processor across all domains
Click here to read the cookie policy of the data processor
Storage Information Below you can see the longest potential duration for storage on a device, as set when using the cookie method of storage and if there are any other methods used.
This is a Tracking technology offered by Facebook and used by other Facebook services such as Facebook Custom Audiences.
Processing Company Facebook Ireland Limited 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin, D02, Ireland
Data Purposes This list represents the purposes of the data collection and processing.
Technologies Used
Data Collected This list represents all (personal) data that is collected by or through the use of this service.
Legal Basis In the following the required legal basis for the processing of data is listed.
Location of Processing European Union
Retention Period The retention period is the time span the collected data is saved for the processing purposes. The data needs to be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the stated processing purposes. The data will be deleted the latest after 720 days.
Data Recipients Facebook Inc. Facebook Ireland Limited
Data Protection Officer of Processing Company Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company
Transfer to Third Countries This service may forward the collected data to a different country. Please note that this service might transfer the data outside of the EU/EEA and to a country without the required data protection standards. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. Below you can find a list of countries to which the data is being transferred. This can be for different reasons like storing or processing. Singapore,United Kingdom,United States of America
Click here to read the privacy policy of the data processor
Click here to opt out from this processor across all domains
Click here to read the cookie policy of the data processor
Storage Information Below you can see the longest potential duration for storage on a device, as set when using the cookie method of storage and if there are any other methods used.
The retention period is the time span the collected data is saved for the processing purposes. The data needs to be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the stated processing purposes. The Retention Period depends on the type of the saved data. Each client can choose how long Google Analytics retains data before automatically deleting it.
Data Recipients
Data Protection Officer of Processing Company Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company.
Transfer to Third Countries This service may forward the collected data to a different country. Please note that this service might transfer the data outside of the EU/EEA and to a country without the required data protection standards. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. Below you can find a list of countries to which the data is being transferred. This can be for different reasons like storing or processing. United States of America, Singapore, Chile, Taiwan
Click here to read the privacy policy of the data processor
Click here to opt out from this processor across all domains
Click here to read the cookie policy of the data processor
Storage Information Below you can see the longest potential duration for storage on a device, as set when using the cookie method of storage and if there are any other methods used.
This is an advertising and conversion-tracking service.
Processing Company Google Ireland Limited Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland
Data Purposes This list represents the purposes of the data collection and processing.
Technologies Used
Data Collected This list represents all (personal) data that is collected by or through the use of this service.
Legal Basis In the following the required legal basis for the processing of data is listed.
Location of Processing European Union
Retention Period The retention period is the time span the collected data is saved for the processing purposes. The data needs to be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the stated processing purposes. The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer needed for the processing purposes.
Data Recipients
Data Protection Officer of Processing Company Below you can find the email address of the data protection officer of the processing company.
Transfer to Third Countries This service may forward the collected data to a different country. Please note that this service might transfer the data outside of the EU/EEA and to a country without the required data protection standards. If the data is transferred to the US, there is a risk that your data can be processed by US authorities, for control and surveillance measures, possibly without legal remedies. Below you can find a list of countries to which the data is being transferred. This can be for different reasons like storing or processing.
Click here to read the privacy policy of the data processor
Click here to opt out from this processor across all domains
Click here to read the cookie policy of the data processor
Storage Information Below you can see the longest potential duration for storage on a device, as set when using the cookie method of storage and if there are any other methods used.